Friday, January 20, 2012

Pinterestingly Enough, I Was Right

I have been aware of Pinterest for a while now but have been avoiding it due to the fact that I DO NOT need another time waster in my life.  My fear was that it would be addictive like Facebook.  But, I kept thinking that it would be a great venue to gain exposure to my Hubpages articles and my blog.

Well, I finally did it and the verdict is............I was right!  What a time waster.  The minute I signed up, I was hooked.  I can't believe the over pouring of interesting "stuff" on there.

Here are some cool things that I found:

DIY Dishwasher Detergent courtesy of Lady with the Red Rocker.  I'm pretty sure my friend Dwija over at House Unseen, Life Unscripted might like to try it!

Source: Lady with the Red Rocker

Cupcakes Baked in a Jar courtesy of Running with Glitter
Source: Running with Glitter
And, this was just funny

Chocolate covered sugar cubes courtesy of Cute Food for Kids.  These would be perfect with a Valentine's Day Tea Party.

So that's it!  I'm hooked.  Unless you have lots of spare time on your hands, I do not recommend joining Pinterest!  It is way too pinteresting!

1 comment:

Dwija {House Unseen} said...

I totally agree! Are we following each other on there yet? I can't remember. And hey, I might have all the ingredients for the dishwashing soap already!!!!!!

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